DFE Comparative results are available through the links at the bottom of the page but summaries of the results are shown in the tables below:
The results in 2022: Although there is not a requirement to publish the KS2 2022 SATS results (due to the pandemic), we are so proud of the children and they worked so hard, here are their results.
KS2: | |
Reading | 83% of children in the class met the standard. |
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar | 70% of children in the class met the standard. |
Maths | 77% of children in the class met the standard. |
Writing (Teacher assessment) | 63% of children in the class met the standard. |
60% of children in the class met the standard in all areas.
Percentage of KS2 pupils exceeding the standard: | |
Reading | 10% |
Maths | 17% |
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar | 13% |
Writing (Teacher assessment) | 10% |
Average scaled score in KS2 tests | |
Reading | 105 |
Spag | 103 |
Maths | 105 |
Average progress scores between KS2 | |
Reading | +2.3 |
Writing | +1.0 |
Maths | +3.8 |
The results in 2019 were:
KS2: | |
Reading | 63% of children in the class met the standard. |
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar | 80% of children in the class met the standard. |
Maths | 86.7% of children in the class met the standard. |
Writing (Teacher assessment) | 76.7% of children in the class met the standard. |
50% of children in the class met the standard in all areas.
Percentage of KS2 pupils exceeding the standard: | |
Reading | 20.4% |
Maths | 19.4% |
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar | 33.3% |
Writing (Teacher assessment) | 16.3% |
Average scaled score in KS2 tests | |
Reading | 101.8 |
Maths | 104.9 |
Average progress scores between KS1 and KS2 | |
Reading | -0.74 |
Writing | +1.79 |
Maths | +1.58 |
The use of progress scores enables schools to measure progress over time. Where a school’s progress score is a + this means that pupils in that school have made better than expected progress between the ages of 7 and 11 years. Due to the movement of pupils, particularly where new pupils come to the school, not all children are included in the progress scores. Such scores may fluctuate if there has been a large number of pupils arriving or leaving the school.